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IAC 2018 - Welcome to Bremen – Grußwort von Bürgermeister Dr. Carsten Sieling

Eröffnung am 1. Oktober 2018


Am Montag, 1. Oktober 2018, beginnt der International Astronautical Congress 2018 (IAC 2018) in der Messe Bremen und dem Congress Centrum Bremen. Bis Freitag, 5. Oktober 2018, tauschen sich mehr als 4.000 Expertinnen und Experten aus aller Welt über aktuelle politische, wirtschaftliche und technische Themen der Raumfahrt aus. Zu einem Public Day am Mittwoch, 3. Oktober, ist auch die breite Öffentlichkeit eingeladen, die Weiten des Weltraums zu entdecken. Bremen ist "city of space", Global Player der Luft- und Raumfahrtbranche, der führende deutsche Luft- und Raumfahrtstandort. In 160 Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen arbeiten 12.000 Beschäftigte und erwirtschaften einen Umsatz von vier Milliarden Euro. Der IAC wurde 1950 erstmals veranstaltet und findet zum zweiten Mal in Bremen statt. Deutschland war bislang fünfmal IAC-Gastgeber. Alle Infos zum IAC gibt es hier:

Das Grußwort von Bürgermeister Dr. Carsten Sieling auf der IAC 2018 Opening Ceremony am 1. Oktober 2018

Achtung Redaktionen: Sperrfrist! Frei ab Redebeginn. 1. Oktober 2018, 9.00 Uhr, ÖVB-Arena/Messe Bremen. Es gilt das gesprochene Wort!

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Guests of the IAC 2018.
Welcome to Bremen!
It is a great pleasure to welcome you – to the world’s most important space congress! Thank you for traveling to Bremen – from far away and in such great number! You make this congress truly international.
A special welcome and thanks to:

  • Our Federal Government Coordinator of German Aerospace Policy: Thomas Jarzombek
  • The IAF President and the Head of CNES: Dr. Yves LeGall
  • The Director General of ESA: Professor Jan Wörner
  • The Head of DLR: Professor Pascale Ehrenfreund
  • The Director of the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM): Professor Marc Avila
  • And the numerous representatives of our national and international partners in the space sector.

Today – October first – marks a very special day – in two ways. NASA is celebrating its 60th birthday. Dear NASA Congratulations from Bremen!
And: … the IAC kicks off today – for the second time in Bremen since 2003.
We are proud to welcome over 4000 guests. Guests from all over the world came here – to the "City of Space” – for an open exchange on business, science and technologies in space.
For a good reason: Bremen is the home of space primes, small and medium sized companies – as well as space startups, research institutes and universities. Most of these companies are also working on aeronautic topics, creating a highly skilled workforce for aeronautics and space with more than 12.000 employees and an annual turnover of 4 Billion EURO.

The slogan of this year’s IAC is "Involving Everyone”.
We think of this – as an advice – to connect space with key enabling technologies and to reach out to more people.
Spreading the knowledge about the benefits of space is crucial. Space applications have changed everyone’s life: with TV and internet – or – with weather forecast and navigation.
One thing is certain – space applications will change our lives again in the future. In this sense – I am very happy about a new trend. This year students and young professionals are strongly represented among registrations – an important development!
Space needs new talents and ideas that will disrupt and innovate our traditional ways of thinking. Companies seek these talents.
So – why not start a space career in Bremen? Bremen offers a very good educational environment for young people to become a scientist or an engineer. All while enjoying a high quality of life in our beautiful and green city. Please find out for yourselves this week – of course after hours!

Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Bremen Town Musicians are probably our best known ambassadors worldwide. They promote the idea that collaboration and teamwork is beneficial to all. This applies to international space business in general and especially for "involving everyone”.
But, we also would not stand here today without many partners working together – tirelessly! A special thanks goes to Team Germany for their joint efforts over the last years.
I wish you a great conference – with fruitful meetings and open discussions.
Thank you.”

Achtung Redaktionen:
Eröffnungstag in der ÖVB-Arena: Montag, 1. Oktober 2018, 9.00 bis 10.30 Uhr Eröffnungszeremonie.
IAC 2018 Kick off Pressekonferenz am Montag, 1. Oktober 2018, von 11.30 bis 12.15 Uhr im Congress Centrum Bremen, CCB-Gallery (Findorffstraße 101, 28215 Bremen)

IAC-Pressekontakt: Annika Teubner, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Zentrum für angewandte Raumfahrttechnologie und Mikrogravitation,,, Tel.: +49 421-218 57821 Mehr dazu:

Mehr zum Luft- und Raumfahrtstandort Bremen: